Wednesday, May 26, 2010

One more NEWS FLASH... by the grace of God and a lot of studying (ha), which I don't care for, I got my Brokers license last week!
Have not been on here in FOREVER! NEWS FLASH! Adam is living in Boulder Colorado as of q week ago (miss him) Ben is still here thankfully, and Elizabeth and Jon are finished with Physical Therapy School and Seminary and are moving to Columbia, SC! We have been in the new house a year and still have some landscaping etc to do, but Robert loves his garden and the pond and having his bees close by! We have 4 beagles now...yep ONLY 4! ha They are our furry babies for now!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Elizabeth stared blogging again, so I guess I will too! So happy to be going to visit this weekend for a week while Jon checks out Nepal! Hope everyone is having a great New Year! (well two months of it are gone) Will holler when Ben and I get back from the burgh!